Saturday, March 16, 2013

Benefits of Meditation


  1. When we are in a situation of stress or danger, our brain responds instinctively in two ways: fight or flight. However, magnetic resonances of the brain show that two months of meditation practice are enough to cope with these difficult moments with greater maturity and tranquility. It is also proven that meditating influences the prefrontal cortex, an area of ​​the brain that is linked to our ability to make decisions and social behavior. All these studies suggest that meditation helps our mind disconnect from its own stress center.

  2. There are studies that demonstrate a link between meditation and mental aging. These studies suggest that the improvement in concentration and mental flexibility achieved through meditation also helps protect the brain from cognitive decline. Factors such as food, physical activity and education are also important for neurological health, but keep in mind that the brain is like a muscle and must be trained to remain active. In that sense, meditation is helpful.

    Fortunately, learning to meditate has never been easier. If you are interested in starting, look for a quiet place in your home, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. You can also look for a trusted institution that explains step by step how to start with this ancient practice. Meditation requires effort, but in a very short time you will begin to feel the benefits of maintaining a healthy mind.
